"We all possess God-given talents. No one can claim to be so poor that they have nothing to offer others."

- Tweeted by Pope Francis

How can I Help?

There are so many ways to live your Catholic faith.

  • Join us at our Sunday Masses.
  • Participate in the many activities that we offer in our Parish Life.
  • Volunteer for any of the many ministries that are available at St. Elizabeth.
  • See our tab on "Giving" to provide financial support or other useful items to the Church.

"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit."   (1 Cor 12: 4-7) 

VOLUNTEER Information

Protecting God's Children

The Diocese of Allentown requires all volunteers and employees to fulfill Pennsylvania state and local training and clearances.  The link above is for scheduled training.


The Diocese of Allentown provides assistance to anyone who, as a minor, was sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or employee/volunteer of the Diocese/Parish.  Parents, guardians, children, and survivors of sexual abuse are invited and encouraged to contact the Diocese of Allentown for more information about this program.  The fullness of compassion should be extended to these victims by the Church.  To learn more about the Diocese of Allentown’s Youth Protection Programs, Sexual Abuse Policy, and Code of Conduct, please click here to visit the Diocese website.

Diocesan Victim Coordinator

Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, MA, N.C.C., L.P.C.
Direct Phone Line - 800-791-9209

Diocesan Youth Protection & CHS

Pamela J. Russo, M.S.W., M.S. 
Telephone - 610-871-5200, ext 2204

PO Box F - Allentown, PA  18105