Liturgical Ministers
Liturgical Ministers are members of the Parish who volunteer their time to help during the Sunday and weekday Masses. Some ministers serve weekly, while others serve once a month, depending on their availability.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact the parish office for more details at 610-266-0695 or email Mrs. Spieker.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are youth members of the parish who are trained to assist the Priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass.
Some of the Altar Server responsibilities include:
• Caring for the altar candles
• Carrying the cross and candles in the entrance procession
• Assisting with holy water, water, wine and offertory gifts at Mass
This ministry is open to boys and girls in grades four through twelve. Training sessions are held once or twice a year and will be published in the weekly bulletin.
Parents may enter the dates their child is unavailable or check assigned dates by clicking on the button labeled "Link to Ministry Scheduler" to the right. When setting up their login, parents are asked to use the email that the Church has on file. Mobile users may need to scroll down on their devices to find the link.
Extraordinary Ministers (E.O.M.)
Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are parishioners needed to assist the celebrant as Ministers of Communion and/or the Precious Blood during the weekend Mass.
Extraordinary ministers are also needed for Sunday Communion calls to bring parishioners residing in nursing homes and shut-ins communion each week after Mass.
Interested in volunteering for the E.O.M. Ministry? A schedule is developed every month, based on your availability. You may choose to participate in a weekend Mass or for Sunday Communion calls. You may enter the dates you are unavailable or check your assigned dates by clicking on the button labeled "Link to Ministry Scheduler" to the right. You will have to set up your own login using the email that the Church has on file for you. Mobile users may need to scroll down on their devices to find the link.
Lectors serve in an extremely visible ministry when they proclaim the Word at daily and weekend Masses. Lectors help us to hear the Word clearly and distinctly. Initial training is provided and can take up to one and a half hours. Comfort at public speaking and a desire to learn more about Scripture is helpful. The impact of God's message depends significantly on preparation, delivery and the conviction of the Lector.
Interested in volunteering for the Lectors Ministry? A schedule is developed every month based on your availability. Further, you may enter the dates you are unavailable or check your assigned dates by clicking on the button labeled "Link to Ministry Scheduler" to the right. You will have to set up your own login using the email that the Church has on file for you. Mobile users may need to scroll down on their devices to find the link.
If you are not afraid of speaking in front of large crowds and have a love of Scripture, consider becoming a Lector.
Greeters are the welcoming ministry. They are the first to greet those gathering for the Mass and the last ones to say goodbye after our worship together has concluded.
"Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware." Hebrews 13:1-2
Ushers help the parishioners during the Mass. They locate and identify seating spaces in the pews during busy times, put out the bulletins, and collect the contributions during the Mass. The ushers respectfully walk among the faithful, silently doing their assigned tasks and are genuine reminders of parishioner dedication to St. Elizabeth Parish.
Sacristans are high school students who aid in preparing the Altar for weekend masses. They arrive half an hour before the start of Mass and stay to straighten up after the Mass. They typically serve one Sunday per month.

"We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard." - Acts 4:20