"Faith in Action is Love, and Love in action is Service."
- St. Teresa of Calcutta
Baptismal Team
Volunteers aid in the intake of information, present Baptismal class material, review child's information and participate in the sacrament on the day of the Baptism. They assist the celebrant at the Baptism with preparing the candles, the white garment, the oils and other necessary items. See information on the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Elizabeth.
Friendly Visitors
Volunteers are assigned three to four shut-ins whom they visit on a monthly basis to provide some companionship and prayer. Volunteers might play a game, have a cup of tea or simply have a conversation with a lonely person. Additional volunteers are needed at the Christmas and Easter seasons when gift baskets of flowers and other simple gifts are distributed to ill and home bound parishioners. For more information, please click here.
"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:40
Grief Ministry
Members of the Grief Ministry help those going through the grief process with an 8 week program. Understanding the grief process and receiving support from those experiencing the same can be integral to those who are working through grief.
"Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4
Parish Bereavement Team
The Bereavement Team offers compassion for families that have recently lost a loved one. They assist families with liturgical planning for each funeral, and offer communication and consolation for those grieving in the weeks that follow a funeral. The Bereavement team organizes the annual Mass of Remembrance each November. Members of the Bereavement Team are keenly aware of the struggles that each person goes through with the death of a loved one, so they reach out to them as brothers and sisters in Christ.
In November, they host a presentation and discussion on "Renewing Your Spirit" to help individuals deal with grief during the holidays.
Prayer Chain
Individuals pray for the sick and for the special intentions of our parish. In the privacy of their own home, the prayer chain member folds his hands in prayer and then shares the prayer request with the next minister in an ever expanding cascade of prayers.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. ─ 1 John 5:14
Pro-Life Ministry
The Pro-Life Ministry meets regularly to promote respect for all life. They join together for prayers, to arrange Pro-Life events, the Baby Bottle Campaign for the Cay Galgon Life House, the Flower Sale, as well as other activities throughout the year.
Retreat Ministry
Members of this ministry lead a day-long retreat for interested parishioners a few times a year. They lead discussions about our faith, share their own experience and provide quiet time for contemplation for the participants.
Share Care Ministry and Training Program
Many of our infirm and home bound parishioners are in need of an occasional helping hand, especially as the seasons change. The simplest chores, such as changing a light bulb or sweeping the nuts off the sidewalk, may be beyond their capabilities. A few moments of your time would be priceless. The Share Care Ministry includes Friends of the Carpenter, Friendly Meals, and Sunshine Card Ministry.
"If I your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet." - John 13:14
The Diocese of Allentown requires all volunteers and employees to fulfill Pennsylvania state and local training and clearances. Church staff is available to help with this simple process. Please contact the Church at 610-266-0695 if you are interested in helping.
If you are in need of any of the services offered by our various ministries, please contact the Church office to be connected with the proper minister.