Friendly Visitors Ministry

The Friendly Visitor ministry serves our parishioners who are in assisted living centers, nursing homes, or home bound.  Team members visit shut-in parishioners at least once a month.

Their goal is to provide some companionship to our infirm or ill.  No one should ever feel forgotten. During these monthly visits, the Friendly Visitor may pray together with the infirm, lend a listening ear, or simply share family stories. Often, birthdays are celebrated together. Many members of Saint Elizabeth will recognize the smiling faces of our Friendly Visitors.

This ministry is responsible for organizing and delivering  the Easter and Christmas gifts of cards from the school students and parishioners as well as seasonable holiday flowers.  These gifts of time and holiday presents brighten a lonely day and are very much appreciated.  Our shut-in parishioners look forward to their visitors as they receive the reassurance that they are remembered by the parish community.

A major focus of the Friendly Visitor is to make sure that all who want Holy Eucharist are able to receive it on a regular basis.

Friendly Visitors meet on the third Thursday of the month to share their experiences, encourage each other in their ministry, and enjoy light refreshments. Members of this ministry enjoy the opportunity to grow spiritually by practicing the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.  If you are interested in joining the team, or are in need of the services of the Friendly Visitors, please contact the Parish office.


Friendly Visitors meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2 pm in the large meeting room.


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