Support Ministries
Small groups of two to six people who clean the Church each month. Duties include dusting, vacuuming and general cleaning of the floors, pews, foyer, restrooms and cry room. Members of the Altar Guild also wash and iron the Church altar linens on an occasional basis. Times for cleaning vary with the teams, but usually the cleaning only takes an hour or two for a small group. You can join an established group or set up your own team. Many hands make light work.
Aid with the weekly bulletin folding and the occasional mailings for the Church.
Spend a morning or afternoon each week in the Parish office answering the phone and the door. There is a myriad of additional activities including filing, typing, making phone calls etc. that may be requested of you.
The Gardening Ministry meets monthly to maintain and beautify the Church grounds. The dedicated volunteers care for our flowers, gardens and grotto throughout the year. Extra help is always appreciated for the fall and spring clean-up.
A small group of individuals who meet quarterly and inspect the property and building for anything that needs attention or repairs. The Ground Crew will use their expertise to identify and correct any small problems that could grow into major concerns for the Church.
A small group of dedicated volunteers who tally and consolidate the Church collection.
The Finance Committee provides the administrative and financial skills necessary to sustain the mission and ongoing development of the parish community. The Finance Committee assists the pastor in overseeing maintenance and improvement of parish facilities, and in stewardship of parish funds.
The Parish Council consists of members selected as representatives of the parish, nominated by parish members and designated by the pastor. The Parish Council represents the needs, ideas and hopes of the parish community, supports parish ministries, evaluates the quality of parish commissions and programs, and plans for the future of the parish by recommending ways to further fulfill the Church's mission.
Help out during the Pennsylvania winters!
These ministers assist with snow removal of the parish sidewalks when the good Lord blesses us with an abundance of snow.