Faith In Action
Daily Rosary
The rosary is said every weekday before the morning Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration takes place an hour before the 9:00 am Mass each Monday and before the 7:00 pm Thursday evening Mass. Please consult the bulletin for holidays.
Bible Study
Bible study is held Wednesday mornings in the second floor Parish office large meeting room.
Scripture/Prayer Group
Gather together with a small group to deepen your spiritual life through scripture and prayer.
Forty Hours
In honor or our patron saint, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the month of November has been a special time for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at our Church. Please join us during the Forty Hours services for devotion and prayer both as a community and personal contemplation.
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Held the First Friday of every month usually in the Chapel.
Our Lady Undo-er of Knots - Novena
Those praying the novena meet every Tuesday after the 9:00 am Mass.
Parish Retreat
Join your fellow parishioners for prayer and reflection, deepen your faith, and experience the love of Jesus. Our retreat days are advertised in the bulletin.
Common Prayers of the Catholic Church
Lent and Easter Schedule
Advent and Christmas Schedule
R.C.I.A. - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
The process of becoming a Roman Catholic for non-Catholic adults is called R.C.I.A. If you wish to learn more about our Catholic faith and discern if this is the path for you, you are welcome to join our RCIA program.
RCIA is also the process by which baptized adults who have not received the sacraments of Holy Communion and/or Confirmation study and prepare for these sacraments.
RCIA begins in September on Tuesday evenings and comes to a completion with the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation during the Easter Vigil. For more information, please contact Mrs. Mary Spieker.