P.R.E.P. Program

St. Elizabeth welcomes you and your family to our P.R.E.P. (Preparation Religious Education Program) catechesis where we instruct our children in the beliefs, teachings, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic faith.

We welcome children from the parish in grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade.

Classes are held on Mondays from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the St. Elizabeth Regional School building from September to April.  We welcome parents and family members to serve as assistant catechists and volunteers in the program.  Please call the parish office 610-266-0695 ext 208 for more information, or contact our Director of Religious Education directly at dirreled@sercc.org.


O.C.I.A. (formerly RCIA) (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the process for adults to be welcomed fully into the Roman Catholic faith.  Designed for individuals who are not Catholic or who have fallen away from their faith, R.C.I.A. provides a time of prayer, deliberation, and formal education into the beliefs and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  St Elizabeth parish O.C.I.A. classes meet each Tuesday evening beginning in September.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School meets each year in late June for a week of fun for children aged 4 years to 5th Grade. Middle school and High school students are welcomed as volunteers. It's a week of fun, music and snacks with a focus on our Catholic faith.  Click here for additional information.

I have called you by name: you are Mine.  - Isaiah 43:1

Please call the parish office 610-266-0695 ext 208 for more information, or contact our Director of Religious Education directly at dirreled@sercc.org