Parish Information
Parish office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Friday - 9:00 am to noon
Registration for the Parish
New parishioners may come to the parish office to register, pick up a registration packet from the back of the Church or download a registration form from our website. These completed forms can be brought back when meeting with the Pastor or placed in the Sunday collection basket. Please indicate the best time to call and which Mass you attend for arranging your meeting with the Pastor. Adults over 30 must be registered as individuals rather than listed with their parents.
Bringing up the Gifts at Sunday Mass
All are welcome to bring up the gifts during the weekend Masses. If you are interested, please write your name in the book in the foyer near the Cry Room entrance. Preference for bringing up the gifts is given to the family who may have requested the Mass Intention for that particular day and time, so we respectfully request that you wait until 15 minutes prior to mass to volunteer.
Sunday Envelopes
Envelopes are mailed to active parishioners every other month. If you do not receive your packet, please contact the parish office to be sure you are properly registered. We ask that everyone use their envelopes when they attend Mass regardless of the amount of their donation.
- This allows us to mark you as an active member
- Active participation is required to receive sacraments or a certificate of eligibility to be a sponsor/godparent
- Using your envelope will allow us to issue end of the year tax contribution statements
- If you typically receive envelopes and have not received them in a timely manner, simply write your name on an envelope, insert your donation, and place it in the Sunday Collection basket
Mass Intentions
Mass Intentions for special intentions or deceased individuals may be requested by stopping at the Parish Office during business hours. Mass Intention specific date requests are limited to two (one weekday and one weekend) for each intention said at St. Elizabeth. Additional masses may be said by retired priests. There is a suggested minimum donation of $10.00 per Mass request which may be paid in cash, by check or online, after the Mass intention has been arranged at the parish office.
Prayer Intentions
Personal intentions may be written in the binder on the pedestal in the church foyer. These intentions will be prayed for by the congregation at each Mass.
Votive Candles
Votive candles are lit in prayer either in thanks giving or supplication for a special intention. Votive candles are never snuffed out but allowed to burn completely, at which time they will be replaced. A small donation of $2 per lit candle is requested to defray the cost of the candles. You may light a candle either before or after Mass for your special intention.
Sanctuary Candle, Ringing of the Bells, and Altar Flowers
Donations for the vigil candle burning in the Sanctuary, ringing of the Church bells, or for flowers on the altar may be given each week in memory of a loved one or for a special intention. Contact the parish office for details.
Perpetual Memorial Fund
After the death of a loved one, donations can be made to the St. Elizabeth Memorial Fund. Prayers will be said in perpetuity each month for the deceased. Names of those in the Memorial Fund will be recorded and displayed in the foyer of the Church.
Baptisms are held every month following a mandatory baptism class. For more information, click here. Suggested donation for baptism is $50 per child. This will defray the cost of additional sacrament record keeping maintained at the Parish of Baptism until death.
Weddings at St. Elizabeth are a joyous event. Please contact the pastor at least six (6) months prior to your wedding to verify availability of the Church and begin the Pre-Cana process.
Funerals are the natural culmination of our earthly existence. It is recommended that the funeral home facilitate the funeral details. The family may choose the songs and readings from an appropriate list. Members of the family may participate in the service as a final gift to their loved one. For more information about funerals at St. Elizabeth, please click here.
Certificates of Eligibility / Sponsor Letters
Certificates of Eligibility are often required from potential Baptismal godparents and/or Confirmation sponsors. We are only able to provide Certificates of Eligibility to active, registered parishioners of St. Elizabeth. Furthermore, you must be at least 16 years of age, have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, must attend Mass regularly and, if married, your marriage must be validated by the church. These requirements are the Universal Law of the Church. All requests for "Certificates of Eligibility" should be made well in advance to the parish office. We do require a minimum of ten (10) days to complete your "Certificate of Eligibility".
Cry Room
Parents with young children may sit in the Cry Room, provided in the rear of the Church, if they wish to instruct their children or need to attend the child during Mass.
Parishioners with A Disability
We welcome our Parishioners who have a disability to our Masses. If anyone wishes to receive Holy Communion, but find it difficult to join the Communion line, please let the ushers know at the beginning of Mass so that Communion can be brought to you. There are several places in the Church that allow for designated seating as needed. Please ask the ushers for assistance if necessary.
Low Gluten Hosts
St Elizabeth offers low gluten hosts for those with a medical need. If you require the Eucharist in low gluten form, please come to the sacristy fifteen (15) minutes prior to Mass so that the celebrant is aware and arrangements can be made for consecration and distribution. Host in non-gluten form are not recognized by the Roman Catholic church and may not be used during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Bulletin Sick List
Individuals or their family members may request to have their names listed in the bulletin for additional prayers in case of serious illness or injuries. Due to space constraints, names will be removed after three months. If the illness or injury continues, simply call the parish office and ask that the person be placed back in the bulletin for another three month period.
Bulletin Notices
Announcements for the weekly bulletin must be carefully prepared before acceptance and publication. Items should be submitted at least ten (10) days prior to publication. Items will be placed in the bulletin subject to space and pertinence to the congregation. Submissions will be edited for clarity and space as necessary.
Bulletin Advertisement
Bulletin ads are placed in the back on the bulletin for a three month period. Contact the Parish office for availability, sizes and cost.
VOLUNTEER Information
Protecting God's Children Workshop Schedule
The Diocese of Allentown requires all volunteers and employees to fulfill Pennsylvania state and local training and clearances. The link above contains information about scheduled training.
The Diocese of Allentown provides assistance to anyone who, as a minor, was sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or employee/volunteer of the Diocese/Parish. Parents, guardians, children, and survivors of sexual abuse are invited and encouraged to contact the Diocese of Allentown for more information about this program. The fullness of compassion should be extended to these victims by the Church. To learn more about the Diocese of Allentown’s Youth Protection Programs, Sexual Abuse Policy, and Code of Conduct, please click here to visit the Diocese website.
Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator
Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, MA, N.C.C., L.P.C.
Direct Phone - 800-791-9209
If you have an allegation of abuse against a bishop, please contact the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service by calling 800-276-1562.
Office of Safe Environment
Pamela J. Russo, M.S.W, M.S.
Secretary, Youth Protection and Catholic Human Services
P.O. Box F, Allentown, PA 18105-1538
610-871-5200 ext. 2204